Tuesday 27 January 2015

Money Lending and Borrowing Just Got Easier and Quicker

In today’s times, things are moving online. Since we have internet banking and a lot of people manage their finances online, there are other things as well that you can do online now. Something like borrowing and lending money has also become easy and online.

LB Circle, also known as the Lender and Borrower circle is a peer to peer lending facilitation service in India which helps users in lending and borrowing money online. It provides a platform where the lender and borrower meet and can exchange money on mutually agreed terms and conditions. LB Circle here adds as a facilitator who facilitates the deal.
The best part about this kind of a system is that the borrowers and lenders here can negotiate and set their own terms for the deal like the interest rate, the tenure of the loan, etc and do not require a formal institution to intervene in the process.

There are few basic steps that need to be followed to ensure you are eligible to participate in the lending borrowing platform. The first and foremost thing that needs to be taken care of is that the lenders and borrowers need to create a profile online. Once their profile is complete, it is verified by the LB Circle team. Once verified, the borrowers can borrow money online by applying to multiple money lenders and make sure the probability of their loan getting approved is high. Once they have applied, the borrower profiles are shared with the lenders making sure they have ample time to study and decide whether they want to lend money to a particular person or not.

1 comment:

  1. For me, money lending is a business that people would appreciate because it answers their money problems.
