Thursday 26 February 2015

One Stop Peer to Peer Lending Site For Borrowers

LB Circle is a peer to peer lending site where lenders and borrowers meet in a network to seek desired amount of money which can be easily borrowed by genuine an authenticate lenders. Where banks offers a standard rate to all its customers for fixed deposits and personal loans where you not have to run from one window for completing the formalities that can be mere waste of time. To save all the issues related to time and physical hassle that take place in any bank, you can simply opt for single window facilitation services where you get verified all at once, so that you can lend or borrow money via this peer to peer lending site in no time. There are certain advantages of this peer to peer lending site, which benefits both lenders and borrowers both all, are enlisted below:

  • Direct Interaction: Lenders and borrowers can interact and decide the amount, rate of interest, instalments, and more, directly.
  • Set Better Rates: Both lenders and borrowers can set their lending and borrowing rates, as per their convenience, respectively.
  • Documentation& Expert Advice: Legal team assists you to prepare all the legal documents no matter you are either lending the money to someone, or else you’re borrowing the same. On the other hand, you can seek expert advice whenever you wish, to clear your doubts and issues.
  • EMI Scheduling: Best way to keep a track of the future EMI’s and payments made by you.
  • Debt Recovery Assistance: To recover your money from any borrower who might not be paying on time or seems to postpone payments every now and then, for such issues you get proper assistance to recover your debt amount legally.
  • Apply to Multiple Lenders: Money for loan can be borrowed via multiple lenders at a time.
  • No Prepayment Penalty: Borrowers can wish to pay early or which no prepayment penalty shall be charged to them.
  • Expert Risk Management: Team assists you in all types of risk management issues.
  • Interest on Reducing Balance: Borrowers have to pay the interest decided as per their mutual discussions, on monthly reducing balance of loan amount.
Last but not the least; it’s simply easy, faster, genuine and safest way to lend or borrow money as the entire process takes no time and allows you to play your action without any hassle.

All you need to do is simply register as borrower or lender. Then, the LB Circle verifies the details of the borrowers and also ensures its paying capacity. Borrower explains why he needs the load and at the same time lender can decide whether he wish to lend the money to the buyer or not. The repayment amount and rate of interest is decided mutually by both buyer and lender. The best part that may be loved the buyers is you can borrow a single amount of loan by multiple lenders, which means lenders can lend according to their capacity with mutual discussion.

If you wish to lend money to borrowers and build some money mere by sitting in front of your laptop, or if you’re someone, who needs money at better rates and custom EMI’s, then this peer to peer lending site can be your one stop solution.


  1. The benefit of using peer to peer lending is the scale of your application. When you apply to a bank or approach an angel investor this is just one potential lender. If you use peer to peer lending, you are submitting a request for funding to thousands of potential investors.


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